You should be sure and take care of any necessary business in the coming days. For some it will be a time of taking care of people, of helping people and dealing with the aftermath of the shaking. This will be of Biblical Proportion. They will call it this, but others will claim aliens and climate change or global warming. Ha! But you will know the truth and do not let the naysays out talk you or change your thinking. You will know I have moved out and it will be the greatest move in history since the Great Flood.
The shaking will touch every man, woman and child on the planet.
By the way, I made male and female, two sexes. After this event, you will be hard-pressed to find anyone that states otherwise. Even Supreme Court Justice Brown will know she is a woman and will not ever state something so outlandish as she did not know what a woman was. Ha!
The event will rattle many to the core, yet it will in the end bring peace and love to MY Beautiful Earth. That was MY Plan from the beginning, but the enemy stole that from you in MY Beautiful Garden of Eden.
I have promised MY Glory and MY Glory you shall see and feel and even taste. Live in MY Glory and bask in it. You will be rejoicing.
But, first I must take care of MY Business with the evil ones. I have told you they will be gone and soon it will be. Just wait and see.
My Donald is pulling out all of the stops. Him and Melania will not rest until the mandated agenda is complete. Trump and team will complete the mandate before the mid-terms. When the mandates are complete – a prosperous economy, lower crime, inner cities safe again and a healthier nation. The red tide will continue to come in. I AM the Great I AM and I have promised a time like no other.
Get ready, be expectant and remember ME and MY Beautiful Precious Son, Jesus. He is the King of All Kings.
Stay close to US while you are in the waiting for the shaking. Stay close to US during the shaking and stay close to US during the beautiful, spectacular Glory Days. They are upon you.
Have some fun today and love on one another. Go run and play and become a hugger.