Are you seeing the fireworks yet?  Are you surprised at how fast Trump and team are a’ moving and a’ shaking?  Hold tight.  There is so much more to come.  Grab your popcorn and get a good seat, because MY Administration of good, righteous men and women are just getting started.   Before they are done, the government will be squeaky clean.  Spic and spam clean.

So why is the left going so crazy?  They were told this was coming and they should have expected it.  Who are they covering for and what are they covering up?  Wait and see.  I know where all of the secrets are hidden and the ones who placed them there.  I know where those who were trusted made copies of their crime and hid them for today.  I know and have been protecting hidden truth tellers.  They will be coming out of the closet and into the light very, very soon.  I told you the truth will pour out and pour out it will.  Like a faucet on full blast.

But hold on and take it all in.  Where is this all going?  There will be a long rabbit trail that will open the web, and the black widow will be caught.  She cannot hide much longer, and she is recruiting the troops like Elizabeth (Warren) and the gang to scream and yell and try to take Trump down.

There will be no more impeachments and no more criminal charges against MY Trump.  The black widow and her gang of paid, afraid cronies will finally be caught and there is evidence that she forgot to destroy, and a truth teller will be putting it out there.  Just wait and see. 

Take a moment today to read My Beautiful Scripture.  I direct you to Jeremiah 29 –  For I know the plans I have for you, plans of good and not of evil, plans to prosper you and not harm you.

Enjoy this day.  It only comes once.

I love you,
