Stay tuned to the coming days and weeks as MY Trump continues to make moves that will increase your bottom line. I have told you about Nesara and no taxes and the gold and the silver exploding. It is coming MY Darlings – all of this will happen and on top of that a wealth transference. Wait and see.
You are going to be so amazed at the turnaround that I do in your finances and your future you are going to be dancing in the streets. Remember to thank ME and MY Son Jesus as you sing and dance. You will have no lack. There will be an overflow of supply in your home and in your storehouses. Yes, storehouses. The wealth of the wicked is laid up for the righteous and it is time for ME to shake the wealth out of the wicked one’s hands into yours.
Get excited and expectant. You have waited and desired and hoped and hoped. You are going to be so glad to be here for such a time as this and be thankful that you made it through the imposter reign of the evil ones as I have set them up for the greatest fall in all of history. And fall they will.
They have thought we win, and we have this world, and we have beaten them and their God. But NO! I AM the Most High God and I AM on the throne and there is nothing that happens in MY Earth that I did not allow. And I have allowed them to wreak havoc, cause division and create chaos. Yes, I have allowed it, and it is the greatest set up to get the evil ones all in one place for MY next move and it will be of Biblical proportion. I have set it up and now I AM going to get rid of them and set you up. Yes, you are being set up for the most wonderful, glorious life.
This will all start as an “And Suddenly” moment. You have had them. And suddenly you were pregnant and suddenly you get a job and the list goes on in your life. Take a moment and reflect on your “And Suddenlies” that I have given to you. These should be precious to you and know that I orchestrated it all and when you look at your “And Suddenlies” – there were so many places and players that had to come together to make it happen. I AM the Great I AM and I made all of your “And Suddenlies” happen. You have not done any of this on your own. And now it is time for the greatest “And Suddenlies” in your life. You will walk in divine health, your energy, your eyesight and your family restored. Your finances will be restored and be restored above to overflowing and to the full. Your cup runneth over and surely goodness and mercy shall follow you all the days of your life until you come home to be in heaven with ME and MY Son.
O’ yes, your rewards are great that I AM bringing to you. MY Beautiful, Faithful children.
Sally, I have heard your cries and your pleas. I AM restoring all that the enemy has robbed and stolen from your life on that fateful day. I make all things new. Look up MY Beautiful Girl. Your redemption draws neigh.
So today, pray for the peace of MY Jerusalem. Pray for MY Beloved Israel. Pray for MY Prime Minister BeBe and pray for the hostages to be restored of their lives and joy and mental health that was stolen. I AM bringing them home and I will give each of them a fresh, new life. Pray for the young women that they will forget what they have suffered and seen. Pray they can live in joy and peace – have families and husbands and have no problems from this suffering. Pray for MY Hostages.
Watch MY Trump and watch MY Moves. These are Great Glory Days. They are upon you and are starting. So, rejoice MY Darlings. Rejoice. Sing and dance and give praise to MY Beloved Son, Yeshua. He is the King of All Kings and the Lord of All Lords.