Be vigilant in the days to come to armor up daily, be in your war room daily and apply the Blood of Jesus to you and your loved ones daily.  The enemy is roaming around looking for whom he can devour and you, MY Precious Children, have been given instructions by MY Son in MY Love Book how to defeat your foe.  Break out your tools and your armor now.  The enemy is causing the evil ones to act completely crazy and he wants to cause trouble in your camp.  Take precaution and heed MY Warning.

So, what did you think of Trump going to the Super Bowl and the Daytona 500?  What a cool President – he loves people, and he cares about this country.  He has attitude, but he has compassion, and I put that in him.

There is not much left for you to do to prepare for the shaking – except be in your war room daily.  What kind of army does not strategically plan their battle?  Your planning and advisement should come from ME in your prayer closet.  Turn off your devices and come to see ME.  I will guide you in everything.  Listen to MY Girl when she shares about her life.  She learned early to seek ME first and to give control of her day and life to MY Precious Holy Spirit.  You do the same.  I AM proud of MY Girl and I have raised her up.

Many of you will be rising up in the days to come.  I have many positions available in MY Son’s Kingdom Building.  Come sit with ME and let’s do an interview.  It will be the easiest one of your life and the rewards are greater than you can dream or imagine.  You have not because you asked not.  The harvest is ready and the workers are few.  WE have many positions available, a great severance package with fringe benefits, retirement and vacations and much, much more.  WE even have a health care program.  WE are in the talent specialist business and will use and place you where you love what you are doing and using your talents, some that are even hidden.  The door is always open for interviews and WE have great promotions.  WE will take you as you are and WE can transform your into what works best for Kingdom Building for Jesus.  The mission is souls and those with a pure heart and love people and love Jesus are welcome to apply.

Watch the news this week but don’t watch or spend too much time on the news.  Spend your time wisely.  In fact, restful, quiet time is much needed these days.  Get some in each day.  You are not being lazy to just sit with ME and Jesus and be still.  That is how you will hear from ME.  Your gifts and talents will be sharpened and refreshed when you take some time to rest with US.

So, now WE are in the waiting and you know the shaking is coming.  Remember to not fret or worry.  Just pray and go about your day.  Know that MY Hand is always on you and your loved ones, and I will protect you on that fateful day.  It is almost here and there is no way you will miss it.

Love on your people.  I gave them to you.  Handpicked them.  If you don’t like them, turn around and look at them in a new light.  Ask ME to show you what I see in them.  You might be surprised at who they really are.

Now go to your next video.  But pause and reflect on the message here.  Love one another and remember that WE love you with an everlasting heart always and forever.
