You should not be concerned with things of the past – things of yesterday.  I AM the God of yesterday, today and forever.  But yesterday is gone.  Fret not the former things but look to today and tomorrow.  Focus on today and tomorrow more than yesterday.  You cannot change a second of yesterday.  If you sinned, come to ME and repent.  I love you and I forgive you.  If you hurt someone and you can, tell them you are sorry.  If you cannot tell them, then talk with ME and repent to ME.  Don’t let time pass without repenting of your sin.  Be quick to repent to ME and as MY Son Jesus said, “go and sin no more, and if you repeat the same sin again, come back to ME quickly and repent again and let ME help you and let ME love on you.

Be quick to forgive.  Forgive them you love and forgive those you do not love that wrong you.  Forgive all and love all.  You are imperfect and if I, the Most High God will forgive you, who are you to not forgive others that wrong you.  Because when you sin, it is against ME (and unforgiveness is a sin too).

Love one another.  That should be the theme of your life.  Love without ceasing.  I AM Love and Love never fails.  Love them even when they hurt you, use you and talk about you.  Love all, love wins because I AM Love.

The evil ones have used love in a perverted way as they have MY Beautiful, Precious Rainbow.  Love one another as you first loved ME.  It is very simple when you truly love, you will be quick to forgive when you truly love one another, it will be harder to sin against one another.  Be like MY Son Jesus and have love and compassion for everyone.  He even loved those who hated and murdered Him.  He loved the conspirators, and He even loved Judas.  Be like MY Son.  If He can love those that committed high treason against the King of All Kings, surely you can find love in your heart for all.  That is enough of MY Instruction for today.  Reflect and pray on this and check yourself to be in line with MY Words.

So what do you think of Kash Patel?  The fun is getting ready to really start the moment he gets confirmed and sworn in as the Director of the FBI.  Heads of Departments are going to roll, and it is going to be exciting as more truth pours out.  Are you really ready to hear the evil that has been committed by trusted elected ones, by famous ones and by even Pastors and people who confess Jesus as Lord and their Savior.  The truth is going to shock and sting many, but it is time.  Time for truth and time for the shaking.

MY Natalie told MY Girl to watch the Enoch movie.  You should watch it too.  You better hurry up or it will be too late and you will not need that information.  The shaking is upon you.

Do you have swords to give out?  MY Son told the disciples that two was enough the night they arrested Him.  Those swords were physical weapons.  Make sure you have at least two swords of MY Spirit in your possession.  One for you and one to share.  You will need this for after the shaking.  You will know who to give it to.  Have plenty of MY Swords if you can.  This is why I asked MY David from Texas to sow Bibles into MY Girls Ministry.  WE are wanting to prepare you all for the shaking.  WE want you to have a Bible and a Bible to share with that one WE know that will need and want one.  I AM so proud of you David and all of you who have helped with the Bibles in giving the Bibles and sending money to help pay for the mailing.  If you need a Bible, ask MY Girls and their team, they with love and joy will get you one.

Look around today and even with the cold and the weather – see the beauty of MY Earth.  Enjoy MY Beautiful Creation.

I love you,
