Should you think things are going south because of the Dow Jones?  Look up.  The skeptics are manipulating the market, and it will all balance out and then you will see the surges.  The View and the alphabets have been screaming too loud that it is hurting the ears of many.  The alphabets and the Views days are numbered.  Watch and see.  But honestly, I prefer that you get your intel from ME and not the fakes.  They twist & turn it all and only give you the soundbite or snippets of their choice.  The one that looks bad and without the rest makes MY Team look bad.

Just hold on to your hats.  Rome was not built in a day and the voting majority will prevail and have their way.  This country will be free of the evil woke agenda.  This country will be free of corrupt politicians stealing money from the American people and lining their pockets and purses.  This country will be free of paid-off journalists snoozing with the fancy and then distorting the truth to live their high life on the water and their big boats.

This country will be free and truth will reign.

They are squirming.  O’ they are fretting.  The Epstein list is on Bondi’s desk and is being guarded.  It tells it all and soon you will know.  The handcuffs are coming, and the arrests will be made.

Look up MY Children.  All will be well as I promised in the land.

Get some cake and you will eat it too.  Trump is working on no taxes and Desantis, too.  The wealth transfer will include so much.  You will be shouting and dancing and saying it is too much.

But right now, you may think I can barely get by.  Just hold on a little longer.  It will be so good.  The news will be having their own Sonshine Moments. 

So, find you a place and make you a list.  What do you need and what do you want?  Bring ME the list like a child at Christmas.  Sit in MY Lap and give ME your heart.  Give ME your dreams and your wants and desires.  Let ME be Papa and be MY Little One.  I want to bless you, and you know it is from ME.  Just be like a child at Christmas and come to ME.  It gives ME great pleasure to give you the desires of your heart.  Bless ME, MY Child as I want to bless you.


El Shaddi for Krystal from ABBA