You should remember all of the fun times and cherish those. Remember all of the lovely times with family and friends. Remember today and yesterday as they are fleeting and will soon be gone. A thousand years is like a day on God’s clock.
So now it is time for the Glory! (I could hear Billye Brim saying Glory!). Now it is time for the Church to be in prayer and it is time to wait. You are in a waiting time for the shaking and for the wealth transfer, the multi-billion soul harvest and the rapture of MY Precious Son Jesus for His Beautiful Glorious Bride. A Bride without spot or wrinkle. The Bride that MY Son desires and wants here in OUR Home – heaven.
Do you remember wanting to get married to your spouse? Do you remember you were excited and could not wait to get married and to be together all of the time?
Did you know that MY Son Jesus has these same feelings for His Precious Bride? Are you engaged to MY Son? Will you be at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb? WE want all to be there with US in attendance forever. If you are unsure, come to see ME and MY Son. Simply pray and invite HIM into your heart.
Have you dreamed of the Marriage Feast of the Lamb? It will be the most, spectacular, glorious and beautiful event of all time. The Marriage of MY Son His Beautiful Bride, the Church. You will be arrayed in beautiful garments with MY Jewels and what is a wedding without gifts and celebrations. You think this can’t be. Oh yes, I AM the Great God Jehovah and WE love ceremonies and festivities and beauty and fun and I love to give MY Children gifts. As the Father of the Bride and the Bridegroom, I will be giving the most glorious wedding and wedding feast filled with more than any wedding you have heard of or been a part of. MY Son’s wedding to you, MY Beautiful Children will be more than you can think or dream about. It is sooner than you think, but not this day as WE have a few things on the calendar before this beautiful day.
My Bible tells you of a seven-year tribulation in the earth. The Church will be gone. When MY Church comes home, there will be no one here on earth to pray back the enemy and all hell will be breaking loose in MY Earth. You thought the last four years was bad and crazy – you think you have heard of all of their evil. The seven-year tribulation will be much worse and extremely difficult for those who do receive MY Son to survive. There will be a few who make it through as Believers, but most will be martyred. Do not take your chance on surviving that time. Receive MY Son now and be ready to come home when MY Son, the Bridegroom, comes to get you.
Many of the festivals that I ordained and mandated in the Bible run seven days. The Tribulation will be seven years of total hell on earth but not in MY Home – Heaven. WE will be singing and dancing as the wedding celebration and festivities will last that long. I AM a detailed, in-order, loving Father and I AM going to put on the most wonderful wedding for MY Son and His Bride. Do not miss it. It will be glorious and beautiful.
You say, I am not worthy. No you were not, but MY Jesus, MY Son paid the ultimate price and HE made you worthy. HE redeemed you from all of your unworthiness. Come to see ME now, bow your knee and repent of your sins, receive MY Son as Lord and Savior of your life. You will never regret the most important decision of your life of saying yes to MY Son.
Will I see people and will I know them in heaven? Yes, MY Child, you will know people and meet new ones. Heaven has so many wonderful, exciting things and places and people interact and spend time together. MY Home, Heaven, is the most glorious of all and you will never want to leave. There is no pain, no sorrow and no tears.
Be ready to come home to heaven to ME and MY Son when it is your time. And your time will come as it comes to all unless you are still here for the rapture of MY Son’s Bride. Be ready, MY Children as the time is quite short. WE are on the fast-track (like at Disney to get on a ride when you get to the front of the line). The time is quite short. Oh yes, all that I have told you is coming to pass, but WE are jet-setting to the Glorious Day of MY Son’s Church coming home.
So today, this is enough. Think and dream of these Glory Days that are upon you. Get excited MY Saints, I love you and WE want none behind.
~ABBA Father