I want you to know that MY Ways are not the ways of man. MY Ways are best, and all things work together for good for those who love ME.
Lay down your life. Lay down your cares. Bring them to ME now as I AM the Father of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. I performed miracles yesterday and I perform miracles today.
I AM the Father of miracles, signs and wonders. What do you need child? No, really what do you need. I want to give you what you need and what is holding you back in your life. Talk to ME. Stop fretting alone or telling everyone your problem and come to ME. There may be something much deeper and underlying that I need to heal – like your broken heart. I AM the Great God Jehovah and broken hearts are MY Specialty. I heal the broken hearted. Your broken heart is the underlying issue of not receiving your breakthrough. Let ME start with your broken heart. Come sit with ME and let ME heal this pain and put you back together and make you whole. You should not worry or fret anymore, MY Children.
Did you see how MY Trump handled Zelensky – Boom! MY Trump, the deal maker let the evil ones know they are not pushing their way back in and how WE, The American people, have spoken and WE are not backing down. I gave Trump his wisdom and his art of the deal making. So, watch as the left must conform because there will be no backing up or compromise going on.
So, what is next? A flood of truth that will pour on out. WE have the Epstein List, the Ukraine War, JFK and the vaccines. But there is much more, and they are shaking in their boots with fear. You are going find out: Afghanistan, Benghazi, the Hamas massacre and hostage taking in Israel, 9/11 and things you were not told about. All of which you were funding directly or indirectly, but the money was from home and often brought death and destruction to the homeland. Fully funded by the government that covered it up completely with cover-ups and alibis.
It is almost MY Spring and time to celebrate the Passover festival and the Resurrection of MY Dear Son. Passover will end on Resurrection Sunday. Another set-up from ME. Watch Bo in what he says about this time.
Now remember I love you and We will never leave you nor forsake you.