There is so much to tell you MY Children if you would only sit still and listen. You all are like toddlers going from one video to the next. I love that you want to hear MY Voice, but I would prefer to talk directly to you. MY Voice and Messages are not just for MY Prophets. They are for all who give ME the time and be still longer to listen. If you really want to hear from ME, pursue ME and MY Son and learn to be still and wait. I always give MY Kids the desires of their heart when they choose and obey.
For those of you who thought the charade would stop with Ukraine. Stay tuned. There will be more to the drama, but Trump will win. Wait and see.
What about Russiagate? How does this fit with the Bidens, Killary and the Ukraine War? Ponder that and you will see more of what they have done. The war mongers have a vested interest in the Ukraine war continuing. Ukraine gets much of the United States armor and artillery. This is all money in the war mongers pocket. The Biden and Killary are in separate beds with the war mongers like Chaney. Wait and see what they pull next, but remember Trump wins.
The documents of truth are coming, but the bureaucrats are trying to conceal many of them. Just wait. The truth will come pouring out and the documents will soon be released.
You should not let the world dictate how you behave. Walk to your own beat. Walk to MY Son’s beat and set the pace of how the world shall live. Check yourself from time to time. You are in this world, but you are not of this world; therefore, don’t follow everything that you see. I want ladies to be as beautiful as you can, but don’t put yourself out there naked like in Hollywood just for fame and fortune. Be in the world, but not of the world.
Remember to pray for Hollywood. It will soon be considered Deadwood after the shaking. I will revamp the entertainment industry from top to bottom. Music, movies, gaming – all of it. MY Shaking will change it all. All for MY Glory!
Entertainment is a creation of Mine, but the enemy has perverted entertainment and uses it to demonize your children and the world. When MY Glory moves in this earth, for the time, MY People will not want anything perverted and there will be good entertainment. You will not have to spend all day looking for something decent to watch.
Watch how I change things and pray for those in entertainment that have sold out to the enemy. Pray they come home to ME. I love them so and want to fill the voids in their life and hearts that fame and fortune never fulfills. Only MY Son will give them what they are longing and desiring. Joy, peace, contentment and most of all love.
No matter how much one has – money and fame will never make you whole. They only give you a quick high that fleets away as quickly as it comes and then they are left chasing that next quick high. Pray for those in the mountain of entertainment. I want them all to be Mine.
Speak life today over your finances, your minds, your body, your family and all of your loved ones. Speak blessings and not cursing’s. Catch yourself and rebuke any negative statements you have made over yourself or your loved ones.
Now go out today and live your beautiful life that I have given to you. Live in the light, walk in MY Son’s light and rejoice for redemption is coming very fast.
I love you,