Meet Your Co-Hosts
Audra Kallimanis Bio
Audra is a co-host on Declaring Your Destiny. She has been married to Charles for 18 years. Audra is an Army veteran and has been teaching for the past 22 years. She is currently a full-time Sociology instructor. She has served as a Ministry Director, Greeter, and has volunteered in various capacities in both church and in her community.

Carolyn Dennis Bio
Carolyn Dennis is co-host of Declaring Your Destiny on YouTube. Her channel has Bible Studies, devotions and messages received from God.
Carolyn is married to Michael for over 25 years, and they have a son named Daniel. Her family is a priority in her life.
Her professional life includes working as a Probation Officer and in education for 25 years. Carolyn is currently a Professor of Criminal Justice at Liberty University.
Carolyn has served in various capacities in her walk with the Lord. From Bible Study Leader, Usher at church, Vacation Bible School Teacher, Office Volunteer and Prayer Warrior. Her passion and relationship with Christ is the driving force in her life.