This time is like no other time.  There will never be a day like the day of the Lord that is upon you.  You will see it, experience that day and live to tell about it.  There will be great fear on this earth as the shaking occurs and millions and millions are suddenly gone.  Disappeared – gone and never to be found.

You will wake up and the shaking will be happening, or you will get a call in the night that someone is missing.  Fear not!  Fear not!  The shaking is not for you but to rid this world of the evil ones that will never repent and to shake the hearts of the lost that they will humble themselves and receive MY Precious Beautiful Son Jesus as Lord and Savior of their life.

I have told you all of this Great and Terrible Day many times, but I remind you as it is approaching you very fast and I want MY Saints ready; on alert and prepared.  You are to fear not.  Fear not the day and on that day fear not.  Be MY Army of Believers that are leading the lost to MY Son Jesus.  Be MY Saints praying with loved ones and telling them to fear not and that this will only last one day.  I only need one day to cleanse MY Earth, and I AM going to cleanse MY Earth in a new way.  I call it the reverse rapture.  This is not the rapture of MY Son’s Bride, the Church.  That is for another day in the not-too-distant future.

So, fear not MY Little Ones.  I AM a good Father, and I AM Love and love never fails.  Therefore, I never fail.  This shaking of MY Earth must be done.  I told you to read the Book of Enoch.  Enoch explains the Nephilim and how they polluted MY Creation.  MY Creation is polluted with evil again and as a farmer gets rid of the predators he protects his livestock.  I must protect you, MY Little Lambs, from the evil that has infiltrated MY Beautiful Creation.  Away with them as they are not of ME.  They have refused ME and MY Son and they have chosen to never bow the knee to US.  But fear not.

People will vanish in the twinkling of an eye.  Where are they going?  MY Son told you in the Book of Matthew.  There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

But you will rejoice and sing and praise ME when the dust settles after the shaking.  The sun will rise, it will be a new day, and MY World will be clean.  People will settle down and the multi-billion soul harvest will have begun.  The wealth transfer will have started, and you will finally be free.  Some will need homes and parents.  Take one or two in and raise as your own if you can.  Remember your widows and just love on all.

Give Bibles and food and money where needed.  I keep accounts of all you do in love and with a pure heart.  Walk in love and show the love to the hurting and confused. 

You are a chosen few to be given this revelation knowledge.  Yes, it is out here for all to hear, but like MY Love Book, MY Holy Bible, many do not pick it up.

Use this wisdom wisely and be in your war room.  Seek ME and MY Son and the Precious Holy Spirit.  Pray again for the evil ones that they will repent.  I love them, but they must do this as MY Lost and MY Bride must be saved.  Without the shaking, MY Church would not make it to the real rapture of MY Son’s Bride.  The evil on this earth is more than you can imagine.

Now today is the best day and each day is a gift and a great day!  Love on one another as WE love you.

Your Heavenly Father,
