Did you enjoy the Super Bowl?  MY Eagles won as it is time for the American Eagle to soar again.  MY America is the greatest of all nations.  I promised that MY America would be restored to truth, justice and righteousness.  WE are in the cleansing and the revealing.  Yes, I AM cleansing this nation from top to bottom, and I AM revealing all of the dirty hidden secrets – all of them.

Maxene, why are you screaming and yelling so loud?  Why Maxene why?  Are you guilty of money crimes that you thought would never be revealed because you trusted in a corrupt evil system.  Repent Maxene.  We all see through your jumping up and down and being defiant and arrogant.  Repent before you are taken down in front of all of the land.  Repent Maxene.  The media will tell and all will know what you are hiding and how much money you took that belonged to the American people and was funneled back to you.  Repent Maxene and look at yourself on TV now.  It’s only going to get worse. 

Are you ready for the truth?  No, really are you ready for the real truth about the Clinton’s and Epstein’s list, the truth about the Bush/Obama alliance and much more.

The Huckabee’s have cleaned up much of Arkansas, but there is still much dirty laundry that needs attention.  I AM very proud of Governor Huckabee and her family.  Ambassador Huckabee is going to do an amazing job and he will help tremendously with the peace in the Middle East and throughout Israel.

So, now it is time for MY Church to grow up.  It is time to stop being offended at everything that bothers you and it is time to walk in love.  Offense is not of ME and I command you to let ME help you to be one that takes no offense.  Being offended opens the door to hatred, strife, jealousy, arrogance, pride and murder.

Ask MY Precious Holy Spirit to teach and train you to be like MY Beautiful, Precious Son Yeshua and take no offense.  Be open to be in MY Take No Offense Training Seminar.  I offer it every day, all day.  Your Teacher and Trainer is the Beautiful Holy Spirit.  As you grow in this anointing and yes, it is an anointing to take no offense – you will be presented with plenty of test opportunities.  When you fail, come to ME and Jesus and the Holy Spirit.  Let US work with you some more and one day very soon you will start passing the take no offense test.  It starts with love and MY Greatest Commandments are to Love.  Love the Lord your God with all of your heart, soul and mind and to love one another.  It starts with love.

This week will be filled with much revelation of all of the wasteful spending being done by the US Government on anything these unelected bureaucrats wanted to funnel money to.  But why?  Why are they sending all of this money to ridiculous projects?  Things that are not and will never be of Me.  Why, oh why?  Who wants this money pushed out?  Is it completely to bankrupt the United States to a foreign entity or to a specific person?  Then how does the money come back into government officials’ hands, and they became multi-millionaires on a government salary?  How could that be?

Kickbacks, bribes and a circular funnel system – insider trading, blackmail and extortion.  It will all be exposed.

Adam Schiff, you will be brought down.  You have been haughty and arrogant and mistreated some of MY Good People.  Your backdoor bedroom secrets will be exposed, and you will be caught with your pants down. You will be exposed and humiliated for all to see.  How dare you think you are above all of the law and of ME?  Adam, you will be exposed and leave your seat in disgrace.  Shifty Adam Schiff you are.

Now what is today?  Today is the best great day.  It only comes today and then it is gone.  BE like MY Girls and invest in today.  Do your part and show up for the mission I have for you.  Declare your Destiny and give ME a few.  We love you and have the greatest best plans for each of you.
