I AM going to use Robert Kennedy as a vessel to set the country free from sickness and disease.  He will on Day 1 make major changes in the food and drug industry that will help you.  MY People are perishing for a lack of knowledge.  Wake up Church and smell the coffee.  Coffee is one, but it is everything in your pantry and your medicine cabinet and on your nightstand.

Get ready for the Body of Christ to slim down and the obesity problem in this country to dissolve.  Get ready MY Church for your bodies to begin to heal themselves as I designed them to do so.  Get ready Church for long life, renewed hope and energy and emotional and mental health issues to straighten out.  This program implemented by Bobby Kennedy will dramatically change the health and well-being of America.

I have told you there will be Glory Days.  Glory Days include your health and not just your wallet.  As the changes are implemented by Kennedy and team, America will flourish.

 No longer will the evil ones be putting toxins into your food.  No longer will the evil ones be pushing their poisonous vaccines on MY People.

Be open and ready for the changes that are coming to MY Body in your physical body.  Miracles will seem to occur with people as these changes are implemented.  But much will be MY People gaining wisdom and making changes in their health due to their lifestyle changes.

Your body is MY Temple and I want you healthy – mentally, physically and emotionally.  I have great plans for MY Body and I need a Church that is whole and healthy.  I need a Church that is energized and ready to complete the Great Commission of My Precious Son, Jesus.

I have told you of the Great Wealth Transfer.  It is also time for the Great Health Transfer as changes are implemented in the US Food and Drug Administration.  Listen carefully to MY son, Bobby Kennedy.  He belongs to ME and I AM using him for MY Glory. 

Bobby is a very wise man and WE have made the way for him to Make America Healthy Again.  So look up MY Church; your redemption draw near.

America will be free and healthy.  These are Glory Days!  They are here.  Get ready, everything is changing now.

I love you,

ABBA Father