It is going to be a grand time on Sunday. The Super Bowl will be exciting and safe. The safest ever with Trump in attendance, the security has increased. Bondi and Team Secret Service have insured that all will be well.
After the Super Bowl, the fun is really going to begin. Trump and team are going to turn up the heat and you will hear of arrests – more open books on government spending and indictments. It’s going to be a showdown between truth and evil and guess what? You win and I win. The Government bankrupting and waste in this country stops now. MY Elon, that I gifted with a beautiful, superb genius brain is finding it all. Elon is still unsure of ME and MY Son, but he is coming around. Pray for MY Elon to see MY Light. The Light of MY Beautiful Son Jesus. I love MY Son Elon and I created him for such a time as this. He is making a difference in all of your lives and I AM proud of Elon. Pray for his children and his team. Pray for protection and salvation. I sent Elon to help you all and Elon has much good and no evil in him (I was burning up with the Holy Spirit when the Father was talking about Elon).
So what about Michelle? Where is she or he and what is he doing? Why did Michelle or Michael not come to the Inauguration? How disrespectful and rude for one that has been honored and blessed and given everything by the United States. All is not as it seems with Michael, and I ask you to pray for him to receive MY Son Jesus. The truth will soon be revealed about the Obama family. Exposure is coming – the secrets and the lies. Just hold on tight and you shall see.
Bill O’Bill – are you worried? The Epstein list is on the way out and you are the #1 customer. Pray for Bill. His days are short, and his hands are bloody. A man who got it all and could not control his lust for the young flesh. Bill O’Bill – soon they will all know the truth about you and Killary. I meant Hillary. Are you tormented Bill or so arrogant you think they cannot ever touch you. You will die in shame and your reputation will be ruined. A President that will never be looked at as great because you choose raping young women over being with your wife. Repent now Bill and come to ME and MY Son Jesus. Pray for Bill. He has much sin that I will forgive if he will only come to ME and ask.
You shall soon start seeing great moves that will affect your purse and your bank account. Look up – your redemption draws near. Be excited MY Child as I have so many great plans for you all.
I AM going to strip the NGO’s of their wealth and I AM giong to completely demolish the USAID – a corrupt coverup for human trafficking, destroying small countries and funneling money back into US congressman’s and former President’s hands. Just watch. There will be charges.
Watch Bondi go! She is the right stuff, and she is MY Girl! Pray for MY Pam – her protection and her strength. Pray for her team and for no evil to be in her camp.
Now what are you dreaming? What do you desire? A vacation? A debt cancellation? A baby? A spouse? A home? Come to ME, MY Child and tell ME the desires of your heart. Ask ME and let ME pour out MY Blessing on you. I AM your Good Father and I love you so. Now go enjoy your day.
I love you,
El Shadi