Start thinking and dreaming of what you want to do as your debt is canceled, your bills are paid, and you have wealth and abundance in your storehouses.

You should be looking at how you can best invest the gift of wealth that I AM going to impose on you.  I want you to be a wealth vessel.  A wealth vessel, you say?  What is that?

I want to funnel wealth to you, and you give it out; but it is an upside-down funnel.  I am going to bless you exceedingly, abundantly, more than you can ask or think and as you dispense the portions of the wealth to others, it will grow and multiply.  You are the vessel that I want to use to bless so many of MY People.

So, who do you think is the most nervous?  The key players have been vocal, but the major stars that I AM putting out in the open will be soon revealed.  These major stars have committed the worst crimes knowingly and willingly for their greed, lust of the flesh and their fame.  They feel 100% justified in the crimes they have committed, some against children, some against the American people and all against ME.

Remember I told you all roads lead to Biden.  Wait and see.

So, you think you know who has done what and with whom?  Saddle up and get ready.  The ride is going to pick up speed in the next couple of days, when you see who they have charges on and for what.  You are going to be – like, what?  Some will definitely shock you and some you already know.

The 2nd incarceration center is being prepared and will be full.  Very fast.  The famous and the infamous.  Crimes against humanity, crimes against the American people, high treason and murder.  Much murder.

The Pfzier details are out and Fauci has mud and blood on his hands.  But he was pardoned by Biden.  Wait and see.  There are always loopholes and other things that can be brought in.

What have you done today for MY Son?  Did you bow your knee and thank Him?  Have you spent time with Him and worked on getting to know Him better?  Did you read MY Book about Him today?  I wrote a whole Love Book telling you about My Son and MY Love for you.

Let the Holy Spirit lead you and come sit with US.  WE love you so much and WE want you to know US better.  You say, I know you Lord.  But, O, there is always more for you to learn and experience with ME.  I want you to experience ME, Jesus and the Holy Spirit in new and deeper water.  WE want to take you higher in your experience with US.

WE want you to know love and peace and joy in a fresh, new way that will empower you in your walk with US and your ministry in OUR Kingdom.  But, I don’t have a ministry.  I just do this.  Yes, MY Beautiful Child, Your Ministry is your this and that is where I have called you for now.  Let US help you – where you are to minister and disciple. 

You do not need a title or a website or a church to be in MY Son’s Ministry.  Let US guide you and lead you and you will one day be amazed when WE show you the difference you made with your ministry. 

Now get on with your day.  I want you to stay close to ME today and please come to see ME for a little longer.

I love you,

El Shaddi