Have you opened your treasure box lately? Treasure box, you say? Yes, your box of treasures that I have given you over the years. Your words of wisdom that I gave you and knowledge and understanding. That door I opened for you that you were hoping for and did not fully believe. Or the other door that you did not even know about, and it flew open wide for you and you reaped great tidings. And perhaps some of the treasures of your children. There are so many treasures in your treasure box. Just sit back and reflect and go through your treasure box. You see, MY Child, MY Hand and Heart are always with you. I will never leave you nor forsake you. I have led you all of your life all the way to here. When you have turned the wrong way or fell off the narrow way, I gently brought you back.
I love you so much that I gave you MY Only Son Who laid down His life for you. Please know that Our Love for you is without limits. WE have some really great plans for each of you. So, while you wait for your next “And Suddenly”, go look in your treasure box and marvel at the treasures of your life.
You are going to know very shortly who is on MY Side and who is not. The time has passed, and I have given them all opportunity. MY Earth shall shake like never before and you will live and see this day. It is here and it is time. I have told you all about this fateful day. I have given you the book to read and even shared the movie (Enoch). I have told you the time of day it will start, and I have told you how long it will last. I have told you there will be death, destruction and disappearances and most importantly I have told you to fear not. Fear not this fateful day of trouble that is upon you. Fear not MY Little Ones.
I AM the Great I AM. There is nothing to big or impossible for ME. I have planned this from the beginning of MY Earth as I know the evil that prevails in the hearts of man.
But I fear not MY Child. I love you and I will take care of you. Fear not this Great and Terrible day of the Lord. Fear not. You must be strong and of great faith as I need a powerful, bold army of believers and you, MY Children will be the army, the guard, the disciples that go out and shepherd the sweet people who will be shocked and afraid during and after the shaking.
So, prepare for this day. This day of battle. You need to strengthen in your spirit to handle some of the people on this fateful day. There will be fear, sorrow and anguish. Armor up and prepare yourself for the battle. Although I AM getting rid of the evil ones, and it might not be how you think. Although I AM getting rid of the evil ones, you must understand that there are people that will be devastated and in shock from this day. But fear not. But fear not. Remember MY Son sent His Disciples out two by two and they came back rejoicing. You will rejoice.
Handle all with love and let the Holy Spirit lead you. Seek ME first today and everyday and let ME order your steps and direct your pathways.
I know you wanted some intel today but for now this is more important. It might not seem important to you right now, but you will reflect back and be glad I told you – to fear not, armor up and be in your war room. Prepare and train MY Army.
I love you,